mandag 21. oktober 2013


Lets pretend two things:

  1. Heaven is real, everyone gets in and you can watch what happens on earth.
  2. I have invented something great that are used everyday, lets say... post-it notes
If these two things happened then I would make sure to write in my will that only family member at a time can inherit the money earned from the copyright of my invention. And they would not be allowed to share the money with anyone else. Then when I died I would spend the rest of eternity watching as they destroyed each other over the money.
Pure, everlasting entertainment!  


Ever had the problem when you can't get off the internet, but need to study for an important test? Well thats the problem I'm currently having. Quite frequently too...
But now I have finally found the answer to this problem. A quite simple one too.

This is how you do it:

  1. Go to youtube
  2. Search "salad fingers"
  3. Watch the first video you find
  4. Become too scared of the internet to be there for the rest of the day
  5. Enjoy your studying and nightmares!

But seriously though... That stuff is creepy as hell...


This blog will be dedicated to absolutely nothing and most of what I write will be a joke. If I would suddenly decide to be temporarily serious, then I will warn you in advance!
My name is Nora btw, and I live in Norway.